Sending Files
Send Image
Make sure to use a [[DataURL]] for the second parameter.
client.sendImage(chatId, dataUrl, 'filename.jpeg', 'cool caption')
//send image as a reply to another message quotedMessageId
client.sendImage(chatId, dataUrl, 'filename.jpeg', 'cool caption', quotedMessageId)
//wait for the Id to be returned
client.sendImage(chatId, dataUrl, 'filename.jpeg', 'cool caption', null, true)
Send Audio
[[sendPtt]] sends an audio clip as a 'push to talk' type file. This allows recipients to play the clip as they would any other voice note.
client.sendPtt(chatId, dataUrl)
//Send the audio as reply to a message (quotedMessageId)
client.sendPtt(chatId, dataUrl, quotedMessageId)
Send File
client.sendFile(chatId, dataUrl, 'file.pdf', 'check this pdf')
//Send the file as reply to a message (quotedMessageId)
client.sendFile(chatId, dataUrl, 'file.pdf', 'check this pdf', quotedMessageId)
//Send a file and wait for the message id to be returned
client.sendFile(chatId, dataUrl, 'file.pdf', 'check this pdf', null, true)
//or from URL
client.sendFileFromUrl(chatId, url);
Send Stickers
client.sendImageAsSticker(chatId, dataUrl);
//or from a URL
client.sendStickerfromUrl(chatId, url);
Sending Gifs
There are two ways to send GIFs - by Video or by giphy link.
WA doesn't actually support the .gif format - probably due to how inefficient it is as a filetype - they instead convert GIFs to video then process them.
In order to send gifs you need to do the same (convert the gif to an mp4 file) then use [[sendVideoAsGif]]
[[sendGiphy]] is a convenience method to make it easier to send gifs from the website GIPHY. You need to make sure you use a giphy media link as shown below.
import { create, Client} from '@open-wa/wa-automate';
function start(client: Client) {
await client.sendVideoAsGif('','Video FILE DATA URL','some file.mp4', `Hello this is the caption`);
//or send via Giphy URL
await client.sendGiphy('','', `Hello this is the caption`);
///IMPORTANT! Please make sure to point to your chrome installation and make sure your host has ffmpeg support
// For Mac:
executablePath: '/Applications/Google Chrome',
// For Windows:
// executablePath: 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe',
}).then(client => start(client));